I headed up to Utah State with the intention of going into communicative disorders. I’d AP’d out of all the math requirements for that major, and had thought I’d be happy never having to take another math class. I had one quarter under my belt and was home for Christmas break. I’d gone over to Christian Faulconer’s house one evening and was sitting on the couch listening to his calculus study group discussions. My mind was salivating! I knew I’d selected the wrong major.
I returned to Logan in January and switched to Civil Engineering. Spent a couple of years figuring out that I really didn’t care whether I was supposed to use an H-beam or an I-beam, that concrete slump and fluid head weren’t something I was willing to lose sleep over (although concrete can be crafted into a wicked canoe), and that I loved chemistry. So – middle of my junior year, I switched to Environmental Engineering. LOVED IT!
Back in that CommD quarter, one of my roommates had introduced me to this guy she’d gone to high school with. He was playing football at USU, and I have to be honest that I wasn’t very interested in football players. January 92 I found out a guy in my research writing class lived with Football (who had just returned from his Honolulu HI mission 2 days before the semester started). Funny how those things work… I started dating Jon in October 92, and we were married in July 93.
After I graduated in 94 we moved to Salt Lake. Jon transferred to the U, and I got a job working as an assistant over-the-counter buyer at Smiths Food & Drug. (I loved that job…) That was about the time that the fed government had closed down for a few days to save some $ - wasn’t a great time to be job hunting.
May 96 I finally got hired as an air quality contractor at Hill AFB. We bought our first house in Nov 96 and were blessed with our first son (Carson – soon to be 12) in August 97.
March 98 I went to work for Montgomery Watson, where my projects included underground storage tanks (USTs) at Hill AFB and the Ensign Bickford explosives plant in Spanish Fork Canyon. Son 2 (Evan – now 9) graced us with his presence May 2000. I didn’t return to MW after maternity leave. I headed to CH2M Hill.
I’ve been at CH for almost 9 years. I’ve done USTs, groundwater monitoring, analytical data management (this is where my love of chemistry resurfaced), and NEPA (writing Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements). I’ve been fortunate to work with the Air Force, Army, National Guard, Defense Threat Reduction Agency, Forest Service, BLM, and UDOT. Throw another agency at me – I’ll be happy to take them on.
August 02 we got a phone call just as we were walking through the door following our ward campout. My mom had decided to get married. Finally! After 26 years of being single. Problem was that they’d decided to do it that night in Vegas. We showered, dumped the camping gear, and got back on the road - arrived with 20 minutes to spare. Mom was married in the Little White Wedding Chapel – missed the Elvis impersonating officiator by 10 minutes. It’s not a great feeling to be walking into a drive-through chapel with 5- and 2-year old sons not knowing what your mother’s new last name is going to be. Not to be overshadowed was walking through the Bellagio at 3 am with our kids to share a wedding um – breakfast? - with 2 of my 6 step-siblings and my new step-dad. Wouldn’t have missed it for anything.
Son 3 (Griffin – now 5) arrived in Mar 04. He gets his own paragraph because there’s just something about the kid that makes him his own guy.
Back in the time that the real estate market was hopping, our house sold in 4 days. We ended up living with my in-laws for a few months while we remodeled our home in West Jordan. It’d been a rental and was inhabited by up to 14 men (number varies according to which neighbor is telling the story). The place needed a little TLC. (Mark Relph (I can still see him with his rocker hair, but he looks amazing as a bald guy) is in my ward – found that out at another ward campout – what is it about those things?)
So – I’m married to Jon Hill. I work at CH2M Hill where the majority of my work has been at Hill AFB, and I live on Uinta Hills Drive.
I’m looking forward to seeing some of you at the reunion and am enjoying seeing the rest of you on Facebook. Should you be interested, you can read adventures at www.jonandstaci.blogspot.com. Sorry my photo's a couple of years old. Our home computer crashed and I haven't been able to pull photos off of it...

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