- Went to BYU (shocker).
- Served an LDS mission in Portland Oregon.
- Returned to BYU and taught at the Missionary Training Center.
- Graduated with a BA in Communications.
- Worked for the Pinnacle Music Group (Kurt Bestor) for 7yrs. I was a concert and tour coordinator, Kurt's personal assistant, and had too many other jobs to list. I had a great and challenging experience. Traveled fun places and met wonderful and interesting people.
- Met my husband (Ken) when I lived in Midvale, UT. He was dating someone in my singles ward (oops) and investigating the church. Our first date was in October 1998, second date in January (long story), engaged in April and married in the Salt Lake Temple (the day after the tornado touched down in SLC) August 12, 1999.
- 2 yrs. after our wedding, our first baby was born (Alec 7) and 2 weeks later we left for Michigan where my husband accepted a job in Sturgis as an assistant Principal in a Middle School.
- 18 months later, Mikaela (6) was born.
-After 2 yrs. we decided to move a bit closer to Ken's family, so relocated to Lapeer, Michigan. Ken served as a assistant Principal of Oxford High School for three years and then moved to the Middle School to become the Principal.
- Since moving to Lapeer, our family has grown by 2 more, (McKenna 4 and Ian 2).
During these past 20yrs. I have been able to perform in a few community Theater plays (Scera Shell's "Joseph and His Amazing Technicolored Dream Coat," and Hale Center Theater's "Jane Eyre"). I have been a part of the Oxford Women's Chorus, and have done a bit of free lance singing for receptions etc. For the past three years, I have been in leadership positions for the Mother's of Preschoolers(MOPS)in our area, and am always busy with church service (who isn't?), my family and friends. I am married to a fabulous man and have 4 wonderful children. I am happy where I am. :) The next 20 years promise to be an even greater adventure!
Our Utah trip isn't scheduled until July so I will not be able to see you at the reunion. But, I will see you on facebook. :) Lets keep in touch.
Cari (Holley) Weaver

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