Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cobbley, Sheila (Nelson)

I've been working for several weeks now on this "Where Are They Now" assignment that we were given. Hopefully this eighth draft is good enough to post.

After high school I followed Wendy Jo Watts up north to Utah State University. I graduated from USU in '92 and went to work for the family business. I returned to school a few years later and got an MBA from BYU. I can't tell you how valuable an MBA has been while raising children-I've taught all my kids the Black-Scholes model before they were potty trained!

I married Ken Nelson (PHS '88) in 1995. We have four great kids: Andy (age 11), Jack (9), Katy (6), and my baby Lucy turned 4 last week! We live in the Phoenix area where my husband works as a patent attorney, and I am a Lady of Leisure.

Our family was in a devastating car accident three years ago. Dealing with the aftermath of that has been difficult and continues to take up a lot of time and effort. Overall, though, life has been pretty darn good.

I was really looking forward to coming to the reunion and spending the 4th of July in Provo but had a conflict arise. Maybe Tawnya Smith & Co. can pull a reunion cruise together for Fall '10. Who's in?

Sheila Cobbley Nelson

1 comment:

Bennions said...

I missed seeing you at the reunion but I am glad you posted about your family. Tiffany Densley