I have been able to get reacquainted with many fellow classmates through Facebook . By the way if you are one of those who are holding out on joining Facebook…just do it…I thought I wouldn’t like it either, but after many promptings from my daughter I signed up and it’s been great.
So to the update.
I actually got married in High School, had four wonderful kids three girls and a boy. We bought a house and I was a stay at home mom for many years. After ten years of marriage my husband and I divorced and I went back to work full time to support my family.
I went back to school in 2001 to get a Bachelors degree and graduated in 2006 with dual Bachelors in Business Management and Administration. It was the best decision as a single mom I could have made and am very glad I did it! Someday (if I ever pay off my current student loan) I would like to go back for a Masters degree just to say I did it. After graduating I was encouraged by a good friend to interview for a position at Symantec (best known as the Norton AntiVirus company) and I currently have a great job working for them…of coarse with the economy the way it is you never know what tomorrow will bring.
I remarried in 2003 to a great guy Todd Hunter. He has three kids of his own so every other weekend and holiday we have seven kids running around. I guess they don’t run around the house as much as they used to as they get older, but we have the assembly line for breakfast and dinner down to perfection. LOL. We have been very lucky that our seven kids really like each other and have blended well. And we have been able to take them fun places and do fun things. My second marriage has been a lot of hard work but has been worth it! I am in a much better place in my life.
Now that our children are older (aged between 20 and 12) I am looking forward to the next chapter in life. Grandchildren and more traveling in the future (distant future on the grandchildren part though)
I really hope to see all of you at the reunion!
great family pictuer- I still cant believe you have kids old enough to have kids! woooh... but its okay, I hear that being a grandparent is way cooler then raising your own (lol)
Ill see you on face book.
LaNae, your family looks great. I can't believe time just keeps going. But you look the same as in high school. Great I mean. As if time has stopped for you. You look great. See you at the reunion. Michele Barlow
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