Thursday, August 29, 2024

35th Year 2024 Reunion Update

Volunteers Needed: Email us at or request to join the Reunion Committee chat channel in the Facebook group. Ways to help:

  • finding people,
  • food,
  • event setup/cleanup,
  • in memoriam,
  • communication/marketing,
  • photography & videography,
  • media/memorabilia collection, and
  • defining the format of the virtual reunion event.

Events and Dates:

PHS Homecoming Game Group, Friday evening, Sep 27

Get-together, Saturday evening, Sep 28 (Time TBD)

Virtual/online Reunion, Date TBD

Location: There are two options in play: 1) We are trying to get permission from the BYU College of Fine Arts to use the original PHS lunchroom, or 2) rent a location in Vinyard that will cost about $400-600.

Cost: We plan to solicit a small suggested donation via Venmo the night of the event. Well-off alums can always donate more than the suggested amount. Anything left over will go towards the 40th Reunion Fund.

Finding Alumni: People are working on finding alums not in the Facebook group. We need more volunteers to work on this sub-committee. In the coming days, we will reactivate the blog ( and set up things to allow everyone to post updates. We have also set up a LinkedIn group as an alternative place to stay connected. I just set it up; click here to join:

Food: The current plan is not to have a catered meal. Instead, we plan to keep it simple and provide sweet and savory finger foods/appetizers. These plans are tentative; expect more details in a week or so. We could use help from anyone with ideas or resources they could provide. To volunteer, email us at or request to join the Reunion Committee chat channel in the Facebook group.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Reunion Pictures

Thanks to Tim Doll for these pictures.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Reunion Dinner (part 1)

Marshall, David

Young, Jennifer (Hancock)

It's sure been fun to read everyone's posts.

I'll try to keep this brief: After PHS, I went to BYU where I met my great husband, Jared. We married in 1992 and I graduated with a degree in English and Jared in Political Science in 1993. We spent a fun couple years on beautiful Hayden Lake in Idaho, running a Bed and Breakfast.

In 1997 we moved to Phoenix, Arizona and we've been in this area ever since. My husband has worked in the health insurance industry, but is just venturing out into something new. We are starting a skateboard company (which if anyone knows us, is right up our alley). It is called Hobo Skate Company, so look for it very soon!
We have 4 beautiful kids: Austin (14), Jacob (11), Sophia (9), and Max (5). I am involved in church with the young women and driving my kids around to soccer games and music lessons. I love running, music (my husband and I are in a band with friends;
he plays guitar, I play bass), concerts, books, traveling and, most of all, my family.
Life is good and I'm looking forward to seeing many of you in a few weeks!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Cobbley, Sheila (Nelson)

I've been working for several weeks now on this "Where Are They Now" assignment that we were given. Hopefully this eighth draft is good enough to post.

After high school I followed Wendy Jo Watts up north to Utah State University. I graduated from USU in '92 and went to work for the family business. I returned to school a few years later and got an MBA from BYU. I can't tell you how valuable an MBA has been while raising children-I've taught all my kids the Black-Scholes model before they were potty trained!

I married Ken Nelson (PHS '88) in 1995. We have four great kids: Andy (age 11), Jack (9), Katy (6), and my baby Lucy turned 4 last week! We live in the Phoenix area where my husband works as a patent attorney, and I am a Lady of Leisure.

Our family was in a devastating car accident three years ago. Dealing with the aftermath of that has been difficult and continues to take up a lot of time and effort. Overall, though, life has been pretty darn good.

I was really looking forward to coming to the reunion and spending the 4th of July in Provo but had a conflict arise. Maybe Tawnya Smith & Co. can pull a reunion cruise together for Fall '10. Who's in?

Sheila Cobbley Nelson

Alumni Picnic at Lions Park Provo (part 2)

Alumni Picnic at Lions Park Provo (part 1)

Maxfield, Georgeanna

Ok, so, no I didn't run off and joing the "solid gold dancers" like you may have expected, but that would have been fun, he he he. I was a backup dancer for the Jets during the 1989 Stadium of Fire, but that's really as far as the professional dancing went...So what did I do you might ask, I did just like any 19yr young lady should do...I got married right away!! I married Troy Whiting from the Provo High's Class of 1986. While married I attended and graduated as class victorian and student body president of Stevens Henager College of Business with an Associates Degree in Accounting. We divorced shortly after, and I moved to Arizona 1993. Married again and lived in Mesa, Arizona, Redwood California, Salt Lake, and then back to Chandler Arizona were I've been since 1996. I worked in accounting and finance for 10-12 yrs in various types of construction accounting jobs. My favorite accounting job was working in San Franisco on market street as assistant controller. I divorced again in 2000 and went back to college made a career change in 2005 into property management. I have been working in real estate as a realtor for last 3 years and loving it. I am single now and have one 12 yr old son named Chaz, who is taller than me already, like that is saying much being I stopped growing in Jr High at 5'2". I am still active in dance with ballroom dancing, hip hop, and will be a certified Zumba instructor next month. Zumba is great, it is a form of aerobic dance where you get to work out by dancing. If you haven't Zumba'd yet, you should, it's the bomb!

Thank you,

Friday, June 26, 2009

Calder, Jay

Hard to believe it’s been 20 years…how do I say that at all creatively after reading it 100 different ways? Oh well, the price you pay for being tardy!

After graduation, I went to BYU where I was able to join the swim team, and then left on an LDS mission to Torreon, Mexico. I came home in 1992 and graduated in English in 1995 and also got married that summer to a great girl named Lara Bisgaard from LA that I met in English classes at BYU. I continued at BYU and got my Master’s in English in 1997. In 1998, after moving to Los Angeles, we had our first baby, Anna. You might have seen that birth featured on TLC’s The Baby Story. That was pretty exciting, and she definitely has the coolest birth video of all our kids. In 1999, we had our first boy, Topher, and then we moved to Northern California. In 2001, we moved to Massachusetts to work for HP. During this time, I completed an MBA at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. We had our next son, Jacob, in 2003. In 2004, we had the opportunity with HP to move to Boise, Idaho. We were excited to get back to the west although we loved our time back east. We had our fourth baby, Sharon, in 2006 here in Boise. I am still with HP and those are pretty much the highlights.

Our family loves to ski, and all other manner of outdoor activities. Right now we are pretty focused on all our kids’ various activities from sports games to piano recitals. I am really excited about this weekend, it has been fun catching up via all your blogs. My wife keeps a family blog at - check it out.